Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Well it's wednesday, and thats where we stand. Long day at work today im unwillingly staring at this pile of papers i need to process and about ten thousand dollars in company checks waiting to be gone through.
Oh well no big deal really and once i get started it will be a breeze to help 9 o clock get here that much sooner.

Ide apprieciate any feedback on the previous three posts. Seeing as ive been stuck at the point for going on 3 years now, ide like to add to it, without getting to involved with the actual reality of what was happening at the time.
That said, ill be going now thanks.
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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Informal Gluttony; Part three

I try to read the novel I picked up in town but I was to fidgety from the nicotine craving to let the printed words soak into my brain, I slip the book back into my grey leather messenger bag that sits very snuggly between me and the wall of the subway car. I let my fingers graze through my bag and I finally pull out my I-pod. After a moment I close my eyes, and feel the world leave me. A few minutes go by, I look up and seated across the car from me is her. She looks a little like she has been dead for a month or two. Matted black hair and pale white face seated uncomfortably against the hard cold seat of the subway car.
Her arms were long and covered in what could be track marks but most likely scars, self inflicted. In the soft, dirty hands that hung from these arms is a cigarette, smoking and burning slowly down. One hand on her thigh due to the exposing nature of her dress.
She is beautiful to me, most men would consider her untouchable, a wolf. I saw something in her though, a sort of rebellious beauty, someone who, like me, had lost it all. “you shouldn’t do that” I tell her, “do what?!” she quickly shot back, smoke billowing from her broken lips. “smoke, I’m pretty sure they don’t allow it on the subway” I explain, she rolls her eyes and turns her head the other direction. “just a suggestion” I said under my breath but obviously loud enough that she still heard me. “And what makes you so high and mighty? Just because your in that suit doesn’t make you the fucking hall monitor of the subway?!”. She’s upset, to say the least, its erotic…sort of. I interrupt her, “I’m James” “--the hell gives you th--what? Ann, get lost!”. If you asked me then I couldn’t tell you why, but I took the seat next to her.

Reaction; Part Two

How romantic, I’m standing in the crowed front section of  a subway car that reeks of piss and stale beer. I find my way to the back, where the florescent lighting has all gone bad, and the lights flicker intermediately before finally sparking out. I am seated quietly in the back of the dark subway car heading towards my office in Manhattan.
I unwittingly found myself catching bits and pieces of a conversation between two teenaged boys dressed in all black with patches of punk rock bands lining there tapered pants, their feet resting on skateboards rolling back and forth with the cars motions. A man who looked to be in his mid forties was talking with them. Something about acid, ecstasy, too much shroomage?
Welcome to America, home of the free living sons and daughters of wealthy stoke brokers, who live incredibly well off home lives, but like to wear tight pants and bitch about politics and how the man tries to bring down the underdog. These kids haven’t met me. These children of tyrants snorting lines of blow off the pocket mirror they stole from moms vanity, they like to use there dads prescriptions to pop pill after pill looking for a quick release from there sturdy families, there well endowed lifestyles. Fakes. They proceed to openly discuss these topics with strange old men in dark subway cars. Strange old men who wish to share a relationship with these boys, why? Mid life crisis? Pedophilia? Who knows, maybe they just cant pull it together enough to hold an honest, mature relationship with the people there own age. Welcome to America.

Three stops and half a dozen acid filled stories later the kids step off the subway, so does Mr. Pedo-fuckin-phelia. I’m alone.

Fire For A Dry Mouth; Part one

                                                                            Lets start somewhere between 2006 and 2007 shall we?

    Don’t ask me what because I really couldn’t tell you, only what I saw in her. She was somewhat of a car wreck, in the sense that she was a complete walking calamity, but for some reason you couldn’t take your eyes off of her. Her petite body so thing you might think she was on heroine or something, which she probably was. Her hair was black ash and never seemed to leave its matted, disheveled state, laying there, shortly trimmed, almost like a boys hair on her, not unusually, but large head. Her eyes were so dark, almost black yet still mesmerizing. Her face, much like the rest of her body, was very pale and her lips were thin and cracked. Not quite short but not very tall, and she seemed to be wearing some kind of slip that looked as if it has just been pulled from under her bed and hung from her body like it was made for a woman twice her size. She was having trouble keeping both straps on her shoulders and depending how she sat in the seat, her slip was so short that you could almost make out what color, if any, panties she was wearing underneath it all. Beneath all this a pair of small breasts suited for a girl in junior high, first year of high school at the most, leading down to the longest legs I have ever seen. They were smooth but covered in scars from where she had vented her frustrations with a kitchen knife. Her hands were probably my favorite part of her, small and delicate to the touch, soft and smooth. I knew they had been through a lot of strenuous needle pushing though. She was everything I have ever hated in a small chest and great legs. I met her on the subway.

A Feed From Cloud Mountain

"We woke up and the one string of light creeping through the doorway had crept down to our feet, she saw me looking at the door and pulled my head back towards her face." - Opening page; The pool hall tango. Revolution on canvas.

Hello Tuesday, how are things going for you today?
Today my father will travel through the sky and find himself landing near downtown los angeles, I'm extremely excited seeing as it has been over a year since I've seen him. Which means that I am booked solid for the next 5 weekends, on the 15th of febuary I will be flying back to Ohio to spend a few days with my grandparents and other family. 2006 was the last time I saw any of them, so it is definately due time for a visit.
I've been trying to keep my jacket off here at night and sit outside to get myself use to the cold, but nothing can really prepare you for 4 degree weather and a few feet of snow when your from sunny san diego.

Either way its going to be a good thing for me to get out there and spend some time with everyone, and it will help me apprieciate this beautiful city and state that I live in even more.

Well, I'm on my way to finishing this paperwork here and then I will beging typing out sections of this old story.

Should I post all together or break it into pieces?
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prove my hypothesis; issues

well, after typing out this great morning post, it seems that android isnt capatible with this website and i have yet to find a mobile posting program, so needless to say, the post was wasted and will now more than likely just take up space on my phones internal memory. i need to invest in a better wireless card fo i can just use my lapot here at work without hassle. anywho, ill stll type somethings out today but sadly cannot post them until the evening when i am at home. bare with me

Monday, January 24, 2011

swim to the moon

        So here ends day one of this new venture, so far, pretty much just talking to myself. healthy. anyhow, tomorrow i will be taking my laptop with me to work along with one or more of my books from the previously mentioned "box". In no particular order i will start to re write and rephrase a few things. i've got a great short story in the works, that hasn't been touched in ages, maybe i can get some good pointers on here somehow? we'll see.

That being said, heres a little something else i'm working on at the moment. Goodnight.

“May the wind always be on your back and the sun upon your face and may the winds of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars.

(Shevanel Take 2)

something i came across;seemingly fitting;      although myself and the witness were the only ones listening, i once spoke of what was needed to create the perfect world. i spent time talking about all the elements that, as far as i was concerned at the time,had the validity and the character to create blissful serenity and happiness throughout the entire planet. "if everything was this way, the world would be perfect". blue pin strips and pink tops. when i woke up the next day i realized...i should have kept my mouth shut. i know now that what i was thinking was very wrong, and had the world been subject to these, elements, that i felt strongly about,not only would our world fall apart but it would be cold,dark, and as dead inside as the trees that once covered the hillside benches. but more importantly.the world would no longer be a symbol of life, better transformed into a heartless sphere of constant confusion and internal ignorance. no one would ever be hapy or connected to anything. lives would become counterfiet, only serving the world as a game in which the goal is to cleverly find out how many souls you can take down with you. for our sake, this never  happened

the decade of statues

consider this your introduction, because its all downhill from here.  depending on how you choose to look at things.  this blog will be composed of my thoughts and other random things i feel like telling anyone about. i will be posting journal entries dating back through highschool and the first years on my own. purposly bringing back the past for you all to relive, and hopefully give myself a new sense of organization to what have unofficially been named "the box". ill start with something more recent. also it appears that android isnt very savi when it comes to this website, so bare with me if something seems out of place.there seems to be a reoccuring theme around the page, ill have to fix that shortly.